Tuesday, 31 May 2011

This is the Big Show

NBA finals begin tonight, and NHL finals tomorrow. Gotta love playoff time.
Big stories abound this year, as the dream team takes on the picture of consitancy in Dirk Nowitski. So much pressure, and damn, so much fun to watch these guys play. I''m looking for a series that will come down to defense. Miami has been smothering all playoffs, and the Mavs have arguably the best zone D in the league. Gonna be a classic.  -----MIAMI in 7-----

Gotta love the NHL playoffs, beards and one crazy long drive to the most recognizable trophy in hockey.
I've got a bit of a dilemma on my hands. Vancouver has been my team all year, but I have a good friend who plays on Boston. Hmmm.... tough decision.


I've got BOSTON IN 7, mostly because I don't want a series like this to end. Gonna be a lot of late great nights with the boys. 

Weigh in!

The Daily Fresh

Men's fashion is heating up once again for spring, and a classic look is emerging on the men's side of things.

This spring, shows seem to be focusing on muted greens, greys and beiges, while adding a punch of color in the mix to keep things interesting.

Stripes are also in this spring, with the classic black and white being popular on the runway.

So what does that mean for the average guy? Every year we can see a pattern emerging, which is to have a classic look, funked out with a bit of color. In my opinion, stick with the basics. The grey and beige tailored suit is always a safe bet, but try and stay fitted, and away from the short, skinny pants look that was so popular last year. If you think that part of the look is key to the whole picture, go with the rolled up cuff. You want to have a suit and pants you can rock on any occasion, and sometimes you want to tone it down for a business meeting with an old-school boss.

Complement your tailored suit by wearing a shirt with bold stripeing, and an understated tie. Let the shirt do the talking that the tie so often does. Make sure you are able to peel off that jacket and make it casual in the hot summer heat.

Another popular option is to keep the whole ensemble in a safari-type color scheme, using sandy colors and a little more edgy cuts to make the look stand out.

Check out The Urban Gent, a great blog with lots of photos from the spring fashion shows.

Monday, 30 May 2011

Blood, Sweat and Beers

What is it about a sunny afternoon and a cold beer that puts a smile on every man's face? Kicked back under the hot sun is my favorite place to take stock of myself, and realize what doors are open for the entering, and to find ways to jam my size 12 deck shoes into the closing ones. 

I've always wanted to write, but the whirlwind of life grabbed my hand and left me spinning around in this fast-paced world of work, women and weariness. It wasn't till today that it occurred to me that there is a world of men just like me, caught up in the grind.

This isn't an artsy blog about the latest pitchfork.com indie hit or the newest internet craze. This is about the stuff that I like, and the things that are relevant to the young, modern man.

As I sit here and sort through the tons of ideas I have spinning around in my head, I'll leave you with a tune from a favorite artist of mine. The music is bare-bones and somber, with the acoustic guitar in its rawest form.

Just the way I like it. 

Cheers to all of you, I may have a beer or 10 in celebration!